Your CV is your personal sales brochure - make it work for you!

Writing a CV is a serious business. You cannot assume that one CV will suit everyone you send it to. Often you will have to tailor it to the specific employer and that means highlighting genuine areas of expertise to match a brief. We are always here to help & more often than not will advise shortlisted candidates on what changes need to be made. We hope that the following will be valuable to you.


  • It should go without saying that you will check your CV for spelling mistakes.
  • Using different styles of type will help emphasize points which you think are important.

Try to avoid an overuse of logos & overly creative CV templates! – these can be hard to process on a recruiters database….we speak from many bitter experiences!


  • Keep it brief BUT not too brief, faced with an avalanche of CVs, the last thing a potential employer wants is to read through reams of paper. We suggest 2 -3 pages maximum.
  • Make sure that you do not repeat yourself. Look at every point and ask yourself: "Will this really help me get the job?" If not, cut it out.
  • Your CV is many things. It is a formal declaration of your qualifications. It is your opportunity to shine. It is a key to the door of your career. It is not, however, an autobiography.

Writing Style

Keep it simple, factual and concise. Personal details should include the following:

  • Name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, marital status, nationality, linked-in link
  • If you are applying for a job many miles away from where you live, mention that you are willing to relocate.
  • Don't put in your weight, name of spouse, etc.

Introductory profile

This should read like a trailer to a great movie! This is your attention grabber, so make it relevant to your experience, don’t be modest & summarise neatly what your skill sets are. Whet the readers appetite!

Education , Qualifications & Training

It is crucial that you find the balance of what to include & exclude. Besides the obvious School, College & University qualifications it is essential that you add in your training & professional areas of expertise. We are surprised for example at how many Transport managers don’t state that they have a CPC! Likewise, we have had CV’s where a full page is taken up with every module of every training course attended!

Employment History

  • Always put your current or most recent job first. You must put in what your company does in one line, i.e. Food Service supplier with 15 depots and a turnover of £110m employing 280 staff.
  • State company name, job title and dates worked there.
  • List all duties and responsibilities, i.e. if you are running a Distribution Centre make sure you give facts and figures e.g. sq. ft., management structure, unionised?, K.P.I.'s., etc.

List your achievements. This is crucial so please ensure these are highlighted after your profile introduction. Do these in simple bullet points & include stats if relevant.


These matter as it paints a picture of who you are beyond the workplace. A wide range of interests always looks good because the employer will want to see that you can fit in to different environments – likewise it may be an ice breaker if you & the interviewer have a shared interest.


Check through your CV and make sure you can answer 'yes' to the following questions:

  • Is it me?
  • Am I proud to send this off?
  • Have I eliminated irrelevant information?
  • Have I included everything that could help me get this job?
  • Is it easy to read?

The most important thing about your CV is that as soon as the potential employer sees your details, he/she immediately puts in the yes pile!.